Thursday, May 29, 2008


There have been several times in the past week when I've wanted to write something. But that's about where my thought process stops: because as soon as I think, yes, updating my blog is just the thing to do right now, I draw a complete blank as to what to write. Total creative void. Blogger's block. I've been doing the same thing with journaling, too (which I think is just a poor excuse to not do it.)

Usually I find that, even when I start out with nothing but dust specks floating around in my mind, the process of composing thoughts on paper kicks my mind into gear. A lot of times it takes several minutes of writing for me to realize what's really on my heart.

... bah. Too tired to really think now. On an entirely irrelevant note, a friend introduced me to - a really useful site that lets you search for songs and videos and add them to an online playlist (thanks, Bryce!). I've been using it to make playlists to listen to at work. If you click on the link in the sidebar, you can link to a playlist of the songs that are stuck in my head. Then the can be stuck in your head, too. Aren't you glad?

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