Tuesday, February 06, 2007

from distress to dancing

I was feeling pretty unsettled earlier today after figuring out what my schedule would look like this spring. This has come to be my start-of-the-semester ritual, it seems: I sign up for what seems to be a nicely manageable workload; I write it out on a calendar and have a moment of panic as I wonder what I've gotten myself into; and finally, I plunge into the semester and manage to get everything done somehow.

This evening, my panic-time was cut short due to my T/Th night class: Swing and Lindy Hop. Janie, the prof, is the most energetic, fun, and sassy woman you'll ever dance with. I was lucky enough to spend January with her in Turkey - she and her husband, Jim, were our professors for the trip - and now it will be fun to see her in her element. I've never taken a swing lesson before in my life, but I can tell you this: there's nothing like an hour and a half of dancing to kick worry out of your system. It's going to be a great semester.

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