I have this problem. I've turned 23. That means that the days of piggybacking onto my parent's health insurance plan are over, and it's up to me to research, choose, and purchase a health insurance plan so I don't go broke if I break my arm. (get it? broke... break... *cough*)
The truth of the matter is, I've been putting this off for months now. My poor mom. First it was, "Courtney, you had better buy health insurance... you'll lose coverage in April!" Then it was, "Courtney, you're losing coverage this month, so you had better hurry up and buy health insurance..." Finally, the tone grew more frantic (or exasperated) and the mantra became, "Courtney! YOU'RE NOT INSURED. You haven't been for a month. You've got to buy health insurance NOW."
Yeah, yeah. I get it, you know? I need to be covered in case fall over when I'm rollerblading, or in case I accidentally drive my car through Burger King. But I put it off... and put it off... and put it off... the idea of spending hours wading through pages of insurance lingo just wasn't very motivating. I even put sticky notes all over my room that said things like, "BUY HEALTH INSURANCE" and "Look both ways before crossing the street... YOU'RE NOT INSURED." Still didn't do it.
Finally, last Friday rolls around. It's my day off, and I'm laying in bed trying vainly to formulate a to-do list for the day. Jesus, I'm praying, what do you want me to use this day to do? How would you have me spend it? I'm drawing a blank, I can't even think right now. Help!
I get up to check my e-mail. First one I open says this, no joke:And they tell me that God doesn't have a sense of humor... pssh. Either that or he's like my mom, thinking, "Does she really have to ask me what to do today? Sheesh, girl. Use that brain I gave you!"
I'm insured now. Regence has some great high-deductible plans that still cover preventative care...
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
...and sometimes, he's obvious about it.
Posted by Courtney at about 2:13 PM
1 comment:
Yes! I made the BLOG! I am so happy that you are insured because I would hate to hear that you broke your arm and your bank account in the same day... nobody likes that.
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