So. I would have written in the last month, but nothing very exciting has happened. I mean... I graduated from college. I said goodbye to many dear friends and professors. I moved 300 miles away from the place where I've spent the majority of my last four years. I traveled back across the state to go to the wedding of one of my best friends. I watched my brother graduate from high school. I started work again. I helped my parents work on the house. To put it simply, there's been a lot of big changes in a short amount of time.
Here's a few pictures to illustrate:Jay and I are in the back, with Mary and Keith in front. We took this at the Wild Horse Monument in Vantage, WA on the way to Melissa and Steven's wedding. The horses are (L to R): Stan, Larry, Gossamer, Elizabeth, and Norman.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cummings, en route to their reception at the Davenport. I love how this one turned out. The wedding was beautiful: they did a great job of combining their story and the story of God's love for us into one big meaningful-yet-fun party. :o) We even got a chance to swing dance at the reception!
And, last but not least, the graduations. I took the lead in May, then Erickson followed in June. My graduation was the day after his senior prom, but he got up early anyway and drove 7 hours so he could be there for it. Thanks brother!
I've also been working at RMAS again. It's good to be back. I had forgotten how much I love the store and the people I work with. I have some reading to do, though... I'm out of touch with the world of children's books after so long spent reading music and theology texts.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
brief update on important things
Posted by Courtney at about 7:32 PM
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