Friday, June 09, 2006


I went on a run tonight at twilight, about 8:30 or 9-ish. It was good to get out in the cool air with a beautiful pink sunset behind me and have time to run, walk, and think. I've come to realize that when I'm at home in the house I can never just think - there's too many things to work on or get distracted by. Therefore, I run/walk.

Tonight, amongst other things, I got to thinking about "divine hiddenness," as we called it in my Philosophy of Religion class. Somteimes, when God seems to be playing hide-and-seek, I won't find him either because I'm focusing so much on obscure details that I miss the obvious or because I have become so wrapped up in my own life that I have failed to put effort into looking at all.

I also saw several deer, which sort of illustrated my thoughts perfectly. (Ever since high school, deer have been remiders to me of God's presence in my life... long story, no need to tell it here.) As I was passing by one field on my way home, I glanced out and could just barely make out the forms of a doe and her fawn. I stopped and watched for a second, before they bounded off into the trees. And here's how it connects: it was almost dark, and it would have been so easy to just pass by and not even look. But as soon as I looked, there they were. Just waiting to be watched and admired.

Alright, enough of Courtney's Deep Thoughts for now. It's 12:06 and I have a 6:30am date with my shower before a full day of work - and I want to wake up singing, not snoring.

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